Monthly Trips

Mini Bus

For all trips call us at (603) 487-2880 or email us at to sign up.

June 11 - Trip to Simon Pearce with lunch at the 4 Aces Diner. Call our office for availablility

Please note we use a 15-person Mini Bus for these trips so space is limited. If the Mini Bus is filled you can choose to drive your car or be put on the waiting list. If you are interested in attending, whether driving or riding, please get in touch with us so we can put you on the reservations list. We usually announce trips in the New Boston Beacon or our monthly newsletter (Center of Gravity Gazette) if you wish to receive our newsletter just email or call us. 

Feel free to contact us at any time to sign up or get more information
(603) 487-2880   ~    Recreation@NewBoston