Quirk 08/15/2007

August 15, 2007
Thomas & Christine Quirk
88 Cochran Hill Road
New Boston, NH 03070
File No. N2005-016
Planning Board, Town of New Boston
You are hereby notified that the site plan application to construct a 200' x 50' garage for the storage of equipment associated with the campground on their property at the Friendly Beaver Campground on Cochran Hill Road, Tax Map/Lot #7/11, in the Town of New Boston, has received compliance with the conditions subsequent by majority vote of the members of the Planning Board on August 14, 2007, on the motion(s):
-       I MOVE to confirm that Thomas & Christine Quirk have complied with the conditions subsequent to the approval of the site plan to construct a 200' x 50' garage for the storage of equipment associated with the campground on their property at the Friendly Beaver Campground on Cochran Hill Road, Tax Map/Lot #7/11, and to release the hold on the Permit to Operate/Certificate of Occupancy to be issued by the Building Department. It is the applicant's responsibility to apply to the Building Department for a Permit to Operate/Certificate of Occupancy.