Voter Registration Information

REMEMBER - Check the Voter Registration Checklist to confirm YOUR Party Affiliation is correct.
Click here for a website available for the public to be able to find:
  • Polling Place Information
  • Clerk Information
Registered Voters may view their own:
  • Absentee Ballot Information
  • Party Information
The Supervisors of the Checklist hold sessions prior to an election for residents who want to register or change party affiliation. Hours for such sessions are posted in advance.
Voter Registration: You may register to vote during regular business hours at the Town Clerk’s office.
You must be an American citizen and town resident, 18 years old, and have identification, which includes a photo.
Voter registrations cannot be accepted within ten (10) days prior to an election; however, residents may register at the polls on Election Day. Voters may also request an absentee ballot.